Monday, March 21, 2011
You deserve a massage
Massage is a good and simple way to stimulate microcirculation in the skin and accelerate fat burning. Massage the waist and abdomen daily cold water with salt bath. Do this at least 5 minutes to zaróżowiła skin and warmed. Massage shower gel you can use the washing assisting weight loss, with extracts from algae, ivy and holly. After rinsing the skin with cold water, apply a slimming cream or lotion. To sculpt the waist and the skin can be used pojędrnienia also called. kneading massage. Do not make it too hard. Just grab the skin of his index finger and thumb, gently hold, pull up and leave. These moves follow from the top of the hips to the bust. In the salon you can have a massage sleeve modeling, imposed on the legs, abdomen and waist, which helps to burn fat.